Preparing for Your Surgical Procedure

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Preparing for surgery is more than a question of filling prescriptions, clearing your work schedule and stocking the refrigerator. Tending to your mental and emotional state is just as important. By managing expectations and keeping a clear perspective, you will have a real advantage on the day of surgery — and the days of recovery beyond.

Trusted Sacramento plastic surgeon Dr. Debra Johnson knows that each patient manages emotions in a unique way. There’s the optimist, who metaphorically sees a glass as half full. The worrier in us frets that the glass is half empty. And those with the most practical perspective wonder: Why am I using a glass that’s twice as large as I need?

With surgery, the practical mindset usually works best. Too much optimism can yield unrealistic expectations. A pragmatic approach helps us see both the big picture and the small details that we’ll need to take care of before and after our procedure.

Knowledge Builds Confidence

Keeping yourself informed is an important aspect of preparing yourself for surgery. Learning as much as you can about your procedure, and asking your doctor questions, calms your nerves and is reassuring. Dr. Johnson makes time to answer every question a patient may have, providing a thorough understanding of how the procedure will be performed and the results that may be expected.

Researching your surgeon’s background is another important way to ensure you are an informed patient. Asking about board certification, training and professional achievements can confirm for you that you’ve made the right choice. A key question to ask is always: How many of these procedures has the surgeon performed over the years?

Relax and Distract

Once you’ve satisfied your mind about the choice you’ve made, focus on your emotions. Sometimes taking the focus off the day of surgery is the best way to do that. Busy yourself with such preparations as buying groceries, planning favorite movies to watch, and letting friends and family know you would enjoy some company as your body heals.

Relaxation techniques also work well. Calming music, yoga, long walks, and imagining the exciting new things you plan to do after recovery, will put your mind at ease. Picture the new you in the mirror, and imagine the people you’ll meet and the adventures you’ll enjoy with your rejuvenated look — and brimming self-confidence.

To learn more about effective ways to prepare for surgery, schedule your personal consultation with experienced Sacramento plastic surgeon Dr. Debra Johnson by calling (916) 929-1833 or emailing our office today.