Debra J. Johnson, MD
95 Scripps Dr, Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 929-1833
(916) 929-1833

Plastic Surgery Office Sacramento

Dr. Johnson works at The Plastic Surgery Center at 95 Scripps Drive in Sacramento. The Plastic Surgery Center is a group practice of plastic surgeons, with offices for consultation and examination, as well as a 5-operating room surgery center. All cosmetic procedures are performed in our outpatient center. Minor procedures can be performed in the office as well, in a treatment room. Insurance-based procedures are performed at one of the local hospitals or outpatient surgery centers.

The Plastic Surgery Center is located near the intersection of Howe Avenue and Fair Oaks Blvd.

Debra J. Johnson, MD
95 Scripps Dr, Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 929-1833
(916) 929-1833