3 Ways Your Aging Impacts Your Neck & How to Fix It

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In our image-heavy culture of social media and selfies, many people become self-conscious about the appearance of their neck as they age.

Aging affects our necks in several ways:

  • Natural thinning of the skin
  • Cumulative sun damage
  • Skin wear from lifestyle and repetitive motions
  • Increased fatty growth beneath the chin

If the passage of time has left you feeling self-conscious about the appearance of your neck, don’t fret. Dr. Debra Johnson can offer solutions.

Decreased Collagen and Elastin

As we age, skin elasticity decreases. This can cause skin to stretch out and can look crinkled or leathery. The medical term for this is elastosis. Air pollution, sun damage, poor nutrition, extreme weight loss and smoking can exacerbate elastosis. Proper nutrition, sleep and use of quality skin care products like exfoliants, as well as moisturizers that contain antioxidants, vitamins and hyaluronic acid can help mitigate this natural aging process.

Cumulative Sun Damage

Our delicate neck skin tends to endure more sun exposure, resulting in brown spots, uneven pigmentation and wrinkles. Sun damage can also lead to skin cancer. Protection from sunlight, including limiting exposure, wearing an SPF sunscreen and practicing good skin care can help prevent and reduce the effects of cumulative sun damage. Beyond topical treatments, the use of laser, intense pulsed light, microneedling or radiofrequency skin treatments may be helpful for sun damage.

Surgical Solutions

Dr. Johnson offers solutions to improve the appearance of the neck. Depending upon our concerns and anatomy, the following procedures may help you create the youthful appearance you desire:

  • Liposuction: A liposuction procedure removes excess fat through an incision and gentle suction. Early recovery requires a small bandage and either taping of the skin or a compression garment. Swelling and bruising can occur for roughly ten days. Sutures are removed a few days after surgery. Full results are visible after around two months.
  • Platysmaplasty or Neck Lift: A neck lift procedure can tighten neck muscles that separate under the chin, decreasing the appearance of hollow areas and bands. A neck lift creates a slimmer and smoother neck contour. It also involves removal of excess skin and fat.
  • Fat Transfer: Johnson can remove excess fat from the neck or jowl area and re-implant it around the mouth, lips, cheeks or earlobes to restore a full and youthful look. If there is not excess fat in the neck, she may recommend harvesting fat from the abdomen to place into the face.

Contact Us

For consultation information and to learn more about procedures to reduce signs of neck aging, contact Dr. Debra Johnson at Ideal Plastic Surgery practice today, 916-664-3391, or use the contact form on this website!